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New Viola Monograph e-published by SRGC


Maggi Young:

We are proud to announce the  publication  ( update- 9th Feb. 2022 )   of a new edition of  a Viola Monograph of  Viola subgenus Neoandinium : see here

"Viola subgenus Neoandinium, Preliminary Monograph - Second Edition"
by Watson, Flores,
Nicola & Marcussen (2022)

This is the latest edition of a monograph of the spectacular South American rosulate violas which has been written by experts in their field. John and Anita Watson live in Chile, and have studied violas in exhaustive detail for many years. This is a valuable summary of the current state of knowledge of these plants.

"Viola subgenus Neoandinium Marcussen vs. Viola subgenus Andinium (W. Becker) Marcussen -  note from john M. Watson:

We originally published this infrageneric name as Viola subgenus Andinium (W. Becker) Marcussen in the IRG special issue of October last year (2021), but for technical reasons I won't go into here our academic colleague and coauthor Thomas Marcussen discovered that our definition did not comply with Becker's 1925 original. He therefore altered it to the new version Viola subgenus Neoandinium Marcussen which has also been published in the IRG as a replacement, and is correct. Viola subgenus Andinium (W. Becker) Marcussen should therefore be ignored.

John and Anita Watson are recognised as experts in this fascinatiing  type of South American Violas - commonly referred to as "rosulate violas" - they have worked with Marcela Viviana Nicola and Thomas Marcussen to present this monograph on the subgenus to  share the latest information available  with everyone via the internet.

The monograph is fully illustrated  and may be printed out  if  desired.  There are  216 pages.

The e-book was edited and designed by Margaret Young.

SRGC is most  grateful to the Authors for so generously  sharing their expertise and information freely on the  SRGC website. 

This is the direct link to download the  Viola Monograph.

The  monograph may be downloaded from this page where you can also find the 2016 publication "Erythroniums in Cultivation" by Ian Young.   

Maggi Young:
It is a real pleasure to publish this monograph in the same week as Anita (Ana Rosa Flores) was presented with her prestigious honour as a Chilean Woman of  the Year.

Here are the happy couple, Anita and John Watson, at the award presentation with their friend the mayor  of Los Andes and two other amiable organisers. ( photo Helga Petterson)

The poster showing Anita's award

Many thanks to the authors for this wonderful monograph and for sharing it here, and thanks to Maggi for editing and preparing it for publication.

Maggi Young:
New edition of the Viola Monograph is published:

We are  proud to announce the  publication  ( update- 9th Feb. 2022 )   of a new edition of
"Viola subgenus Neoandinium, Preliminary Monograph - Second Edition"
by Watson, Flores, Nicola & Marcussen (2022)

This is the latest edition of a monograph of the spectacular South American rosulate violas which has been written by experts in their field. John and Anita Watson live in Chile, and have studied violas in exhaustive detail for many years. This is a valuable summary of the current state of knowledge of these plants.

"Viola subgenus Neoandinium Marcussen vs. Viola subgenus Andinium (W. Becker) Marcussen -  note from John M. Watson:

We originally published this infrageneric name as Viola subgenus Andinium (W. Becker) Marcussen in the IRG special issue of October last year (2021), but for technical reasons I won't go into here our academic colleague and coauthor Thomas Marcussen discovered that our definition did not comply with Becker's 1925 original. He therefore altered it to the new version Viola subgenus Neoandinium Marcussen which has also been published in the IRG as a replacement, and is correct. Viola subgenus Andinium (W. Becker) Marcussen should therefore be ignored.


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