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my local patch and wildlife - Ian McDonald

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ian mcdonald:
Common Sandpipers are back along the river.

Marsh Marigolds are in flower.

Siskins were seen on the bird feeders.

A Hare was on the road, as I approached it ran into a field.

Squirrels are regular visitors to the bird feeders.

ian mcdonald:

My first sighting of an Osprey this year, I only noticed it because noisy gulls were mobbing it.

ian mcdonald:
After months of cold and wet weather we have had a couple of sunny warm days. The last week has brought a good number of Spring flowers along the river, many of them are invasive, non-native species.

Leopards Bane.

Tuberous Comfrey.

Bird Cherry.

Sand Martins are back for the Summer, along with House Martins and Swallows. No sign of Swifts yet.


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