Specific Families and Genera > Saxifraga

Sowing Saxifraga

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I'm just about ready to sow the Saxifraga I received last week as part of my surplus seeds order.  My question is should I sow them in the same soil mix that I use for bulbs, as per the Bulb Despot, or should I be sowing them into a different type of soil mix?


There are so many different species demanding different conditions. But I assume that you are going to sow Kabschias.  They'll do with  any well drained soil. Since the seedlings development is quite slow, you should use sterilized soil to avoid weed etc.  Most species don't germinate in temperatures above 15 degr C.

Good luck!



Thanks for your response.  When I looked at one of my gardening books it identified four different types of growing regimes for saxifraga.  The terms used are: moderately fertile, moist but well draining, neutral to alkaline soil; moist, well-drained humus-rich soil in the shade; and, humus-rich but sharply draining soil in light shade.  What I don’t understand is the difference between the terms “well draining”, “well-drained” and “sharply draining” and between the terms “moderately fertile” and “humus-rich”.  Do you have any sense of the difference between the soil types or the drainage terms?

Wanting to get my seeds sown, the soil I ended up using is 2 parts loam, 1 part compost and 2 parts 6mm marble chips, with some bone meal and some slow release fertilizer.  I’ve sowed the seeds and watered the pots from the bottom, drained them overnight and then covered them with a loosely applied sheet of very light plastic wrap (Saran Wrap is the product name)  and placed them in a cool place with light in my basement.  I guess all I can do now is wait.


I think the terms are quite confusing - maybe that is, because english is not my first language. So I can hardly help you.. Sorry!


Maggi Young:
I'm not sure the bone meal and fertilizer was a great idea for seeds, Rob, but, hey ho,
 you'll soon find out! Have you tried a look around the Saxifraga group website.... there's a link here somewhere...........??


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