Specific Families and Genera > Meconopsis
Meconopsis zhongdianensis curio
I have three plants of Meconopsis zhongdianensis in flower. The plant grows a relatively thick spiny stem that increases in length as the buds ripen. I've had no problem with slugs eating plants in the open garden (as reported in previous years) but one plant in a pot had its growing point damaged by slugs, insects or some other cause. The buds continued to open at the base of the stem, which grew no further, producing a plant that some might consider more attractive than the normal plant.
Claire Cockcroft:
That's a really nice color. The Meconopsis zhogdianensis I've grown from seed has a much paler flower. And, of course, a much taller, laxer stem.
From last year -- mine is much behind yours this year.
My other two plants are of the usual colour. In the flesh the damaged plant (now deceased) has petals that are of a more intense blue, they are exactly the same shade as M. grandis crewdson Hybrids growing nearby. I have a few more M. zhongdianensis from this seed that will flower next year, perhaps I'll decapitate one and see what happens.
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