It is planned to have various bulb sales of Jim's stock plants. There are a lot of real rarities from Jim's extensive collection, many from Jim and Jenny's own introductions and they are being sold on behalf of Jenny.
Rannveig and Bob Wallis have been helping Jenny to sort the collection and they have volunteered to sell the bulbs at their "Buried Treasure" stands at the following events:
Kent AGS Autumn Show - 25th September; Rainham, Kent.
see more details here :
Fritillaria Group Autumn meeting - Sunday 26th September at the Hillside Events Centre, Wisley RHS Garden, where the Frit. Group will hold their AGM and there will be two talks:
Jon Evans - "Taking Better Photos of Flowers"
Kit Strange - "Growing Fritillaria at Kew"
SRGC/AGS 'Newcastle' Autumn Show 9th October - Ponteland, Northumberland
Owing to the time needed to put all the sale together, the Wallis' regret that they are absolutely unable to take any advanced orders, enter into any correspondence about it or mail anything out but they will welcome people at the "Buried Treasure" stand at each of the events.Please respect the plea not to make contact in advance.... there is an amazing amount of work to be done, they have spent quite some time working with Jenny on this so far and much remains to be done before the events.
Thus- the only way to have a chance to buy these bulbs will be by attending one of these three events......( believe me, I would dearly like to be able so to do

) so get along promptly to the three venues and good luck in getting some of these great bulbs from the famous Archibald collection for you own collections.