Specific Families and Genera > Hepatica

Hepaticas from root cuttings

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last year I repot my H.henryi and I cut some roots, like I take rootcuttings from my Anemones I try it with the roots from the Hepaticas, I put them in a sandy compost and now a year later I have some nice new plants, I dont no if it will work with H.japonica but I will try it this year.
dit anyone try this also?

I forgot the photos, I try it with the first 3

Diane Clement:

--- Quote from: chris on January 25, 2011, 07:59:50 PM ---last year I repot my H.henryi and I cut some roots, like I take rootcuttings from my Anemones I try it with the roots from the Hepaticas, I put them in a sandy compost and now a year later I have some nice new plants, I dont no if it will work with H.japonica but I will try it this year.  dit anyone try this also?   
--- End quote ---

Chris I have never tried it, but I certainly will now, as you have such excellent results, well done!

sorry some problems with uploading pics, here the next two

Martin Baxendale:
That's very interesting.


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