Specific Families and Genera > Meconopsis

Meconopsis 2023

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The heatwave last summer here was supposedly bad for growing Meconopsis. Even more than 40 C° and several weeks in the high 30ties.
I had sown some seeds of Meconopsis X Sheldonii late winter in 2022.
I wanted to overcome the obstacles this beautiful flower offers in my climate. I did not expect that my experiment would be successful.

My floating islands with a living soil overcame the obstacles.
On one island with the right setting two specimens grew exceptionally good. Wet wintering should be another obstruction.
Yesterday I saw this.

Do they always get dormant in winter?
Very small ones did, but one just kept his leafs through the frost. This one was transplanted during the summer on my island with most development. It caught up a bit, but did not form a winter-bud.

This one was even smaller than the one which did not want to get dormant. I thought it is gone but is has turned up again out of a very tiny resting bud.

Spring turned up with regular frost periods. Probably the wet conditions in combination with the first growth of leafs turned out to be critical.
One plant lost its heart, the other one pulled through.
So I decided to get them some more substrate under the feet. I pushed one hand under the substrate just above the fleece. Into this hole I' shoved some extra substrate. So the plants are situated 5 cm higher above the fleece.
We will see how they fare,

My Meconopsis are not flowering so well this year. Many plants have lots of leaves but no flower stalks, even plants which had flowered well previously. My biggest FBG plant grew a long flower stalk with no bud in the top. Luckily sidebuds are now flowering. I was wondering what has caused this? We had very cold nights in May, many times -4 - -6C night frosts, and could it have been the reason? Also when there was no flower stalk at all, only leaves like in the last picture, is this because something was wrong in last summer? And new flower buds didn't develop..
I was just thinking what I should do this year to get more flowers next summer. :)


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