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Author Topic: Hepatica nobilis crossings  (Read 792 times)


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Hepatica nobilis crossings
« on: March 08, 2023, 12:25:33 PM »
I can offer some interesting crossings of Hepatica nobilis (and pyrenaica) as hardy garden plants or for further cross-breeding.
Swaps with nobilis clones are welcome or 25% of the 'sales' are donated to the SRGC forum.
Most plants are in flower right now, so you may be able to harvest seeds already this year. Otherwise I recommend snapping off the flowers to support further growth and next years flowers.

The first 2 digits show the year of sowing. I'am happy to send to EU countries with no restrictions for import. Visitors are welcome.

#1960 'Clara x Ederka' x Supercentra Typ II, all are blue maiden, F1
#1847 'Giselle' x 'Severin Strain double blue', all are single blue, the aim is a double white in F2
#1849 'Tausendschön' x ex. 45N (Gunhild Poulsen), the aim is a multipetala form in rose in F2, nice foliage from the fatherplant, single blue
#1921 'Clara x Ederka' F2 maiden blue from Gunhild Poulsen seed x blue plena from Gunda Kristensen, all plants are single blue, aim is a plena form in F2
#1845 'Tausendschön' x 'Füssen' (multipetala blue x strong rose), F1, all are single blue, aim is a multipetala form in rose in F2
#1812 ex. 45N Gunhild Poulsen x 'Tausendschön', F1 single rose or blue, marbled foliage, aim is a multipetala form with marbled foliage, cremar typs are also possible in F2
#1964 pyrenaica 'Sue's Double' x (pyrenaica 'alba' x nobilis 'Bolette), F1, all single blue, marbled foliage, aim is a filled offspring in different colours in F2
#1962 'Clara x Ederka' x 'Severrin Strain double blue, red or blue single forms, aim is a filled offspring in different colours in F2
#1961 '106N x Andersens's Dream' F2 x '122N 'Schlyter's prepared for filled flowers x 'Andersen's Dream' F2, both plants from Gunhild Poulsen's seed, aim is for filled flowers.
#1841 ex. nobilis 'Prickel', from single white with very few spots to Prickel forms
« Last Edit: March 08, 2023, 01:25:31 PM by Carsten »
Bavarian Oberland - 695m - zone 6b


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