Bulbs > Bulbs General

Rannveig Wallis- Buried Treasure bulb and seed list


Maggi Young:
From Rannveig Wallis : " Your Buried Treasures have been unearthed at last and here is the list of what I have for sale this season.  Please note that many are in short supply so an early order will give you the best chance of getting your selections."

Buried Treasures List divided in two to make  posting here simpler! Includes bulbs and seeds

 Pages1-3 from BTCAT21.pdf (152.36 kB - downloaded 966 times.)

 Pages 4-6 from BTCAT21-2.pdf (181.72 kB - downloaded 818 times.)

Maggi Young:
From Rannveig Wallis:! Please find attached my Buried Treasures for 2023.

I hope that you find some desirables.

Yours sincerely


 BTCAT23.pdf (186.29 kB - downloaded 627 times.)

 BT order form 2023.pdf (94.52 kB - downloaded 536 times.)

Maggi Young:
latest lists from Rannveig  Wallis......

 BTCAT24.pdf (179.43 kB - downloaded 539 times.) Catalogue

 BT order form.pdf (110.7 kB - downloaded 483 times.) Order Form


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