Seedy Subjects! > Seeds Wanted
arisaema sikokianum seed?
Gene Mirro:
Does anyone have some seed of Arisaema sikokianum that they can spare? I have Arisaema candidissimum seed, and lots of species Lilium seeds, Penstemon cardwelli, Erythronium revolutum, too many to mention. Or I will purchase.
Lesley Cox:
Hi Gene, My own few A. sikokianum have not yet set seed though they were seedlings themselves, not from offsets. But I may be able to get some seed for you but later in the season. I have a friend near Rotorua in the North Island and mine came from him about 6 years ago. I'm sure he'll have more seed this year, gradually maturing as we speak/write. I'll ask him.
Gene Mirro:
Thanks Lesley, it's appreciated.
Hi all,
Anyone who would like seeds of Pittosporum Tennuifolium -Silver Queen- just send me an @mail and I will post them on.
Geebo. :) :)
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