Cultivation > Composts

Peat Blocks


Dear All,
Do any of you know where I can get peat blocks from.
I spoke to Ian Christie a few days ago, and he said that a few years back he had imported some from Sweden, via Newcastle,
but do any of you know of a reputable UK supplier?
I would be grateful for your help.
(Both at Christie's Nursery and at Lamberton they had sphagnum,open spongey blocks, not the black squelchy ones)

Try Glendoick

David Nicholson:

Dear 'Arisaema' and David,
Thankyou for your rapid replies, complete with links.
I think the one's that Ian Christie used (and at Lamberton) are the Swedish/Glendoick ones.
He mentioned the bit about power stations.
The blocks were more like aerated/foam rather than the 'bricks' which the Scots/Irish cut and use for fuel here.
I'll try to arrange to pick some up when I go North for the discussion weekend.
It's really nice the way you both went out of your way to help,
Thankyou very much,

I'm now sorted re peat blocks, now comes the question of construction-
I've got a copy of 'The Peat Garden' by Alfred Evans - I had rather got the impression that this was 'the' book on the subject,
but I would be grateful if you could let me know if there was anything more modern.
Another plea.....any good peat gardens to go and see?
Many thanks,


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