Seedy Subjects! > Grow From Seed

How to germinate Ficaria verna/ Ranunculus-supervised germination!

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Véronique Macrelle:
A few years ago, a friend sent me some unnamed ficaria fantasias. (I had lost most of my named ones in a severe frost, as they were in pots).

It's always a great pleasure to see them arrive every winter and spring.
 Yellow, pale yellow, cream... black or green foliage...
 The mix is very pleasing to the eye. Although I would love to see some orange flowers among them.
Every year brings its share of volunteer seedlings. Sometimes really interesting.

But I'd also like to make my own crosses.
 Hence my question: how do you make a ‘supervised’ semi-sowing of Ficaria?
- Do the seeds germinate as soon as they fall or the following year?
- Do they store in a damp or dry bag?
- When is the best time to sow?

I have gown them from seed, or at least tried to. As with many Ranunculas the seeds is best sown fresh and even a little before it is really ripe, ie green seed.

Vinny 123:
Agreed - seed taken from the seed-head just before it actually falls and sown immediately can often germinate like cress.

Otherwise, just sow as any hardy plant - cover with fine grit and leave outdoors over-winter(s).

Véronique Macrelle:
thank you both.
 so they germinate in spring with their cotyledons fused together?
 then only form real leaves the following year?
can we get them to make a few real leaves in the first year?
to finally see the colour of a new lesser celandine, it sometimes takes me 3 years: the seedlings sometimes have a strange spot that gradually evolves into something much more present. like this variegated form; the first leaf only had a small yellow corner and a lot of green.

Véronique Macrelle:
Currently, I use my phone to photograph the new seedlings so that I can observe them on the computer (enlarged), and then I keep an eye on what comes back the following year in strategic places. ;D

but i'd like to try more precise crosses and therefore sow in pots. i'd also have to find orange parents and other semi-double or double fertile parents: it's becoming a game!


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