Seedy Subjects! > Grow From Seed

Clitoria ternatea experiment !


Hans J:

I have now tried several times to grow this species from seed
Last year I sowed seeds and grew 2 plants of the species with blue flowers ...unfortunately no flowers - overwintering did not work out .
This year I ordered new seeds (blue and white flowers)
The blue-flowered ones germinated quite well ( 4 seedlings ) of the white-flowered seeds I only got one seedling to germinate ... the plants all grew well ( in the greenhouse ) but the flowers were poor ... maybe the seeds were already old ?
At least the white-flowered plant flowered ...the blue-flowered ones: nothing ( although the plants were much bigger )
I pollinated the flowers and they even set some fruit ...
I disposed of the blue-flowered plants as they didn't survive the winter last year ... I brought the white-flowered plant indoors so that the fruits could ripen ... I was able to harvest some seeds in the last few weeks.

If you are interested I can give you some of the seeds :)

Hans  8)

Véronique Macrelle:
I've always wanted Clitoria ternata, especially the blue one.
but I've had the same problems as you, Hans; and even worse, because I've only ever obtained a 20 cm plant that died at the end of the saiosn...
 it's probably because the seeds are too old and refuse to grow properly.

unfortunately i have a lot of things to germinate this spring. but i would be very interested to know if your seeds of the year give birth to more vigorous plants.

I need more positive experiences to motivate me for this species.

Hans J:
Hello Véronique ,

thats interesting that you have similar problems with this plants !

In a german book for climbing plants is written that this plants like warm + fertilizer ...but that was no problem here

Also is there written from a other Clitoria which seems more easy :
Clitoria mariana
I have searched ...but I cannot find a good source for seeds in Europe :(
If anybody has a idea ? ( maybe our members from USA ) ?



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