Specific Families and Genera > Iris

British Iris Society celebrates centenary 2022


Maggi Young:
Happy Anniversary to the BIS!

2022 is the Centenary year of the  British Iris Society, why not join in celebrating this milestone.

Early Spring Show - RHS Wisley Sat 5th February 2022

Centenary Weekend - RHS Wisley Sat 7th & Sun 8th May 2022

Chelsea Flower Show (hopefully) 24-28 May 2022

Celebration Weekend based near Stratford upon Avon & launch of Centenary publication Sat 17th & Sun 18th Sept 2022


 Membership is available online via PayPal
(All membership/ renewal enquiries should be addressed to Rex Harden, Membership Secretary, 56 Pirton Lane, Churchdown, Gloucester GL3 2SJ )


Membership runs with the calendar year. New UK and EU members pay a subscription of £15.00 (household membership costs £20.00).

Members who join between January and 31 July will receive the current Year Book as well as the edition published in December.

New members joining the Society from 1 August onwards do not receive the current Year Book, however, their subscription covers the following year, and of course will receive the Year Book in December.


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