Specific Families and Genera > Saxifraga

Sowing Saxifraga

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Maggi Young:
The Saxifraga society page:     http://www.saxifraga.org/default.asp

They have a forum! See this page about composts: http://www.saxifraga.org/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=21
I think I was right about them not needing food :P


Thanks for the link.  It's been quite helpful if not a little confusing; deep root run, 50/50 sand and peat, some crushed stone and lots of rocks.  Sounds rather barren compared to my normal soils but I'm certainly up to give it a try.  The landscaping around my home was done firstly with builders sand and then some topsoil on which to grow grass.  So I shouldn't have too much of a problem getting the drainage and the cool deep root run.

Unfortunately, I can't do much with the saxes I've already sown but once they get big enough to move I'll be putting them into the proper mix assuming they don't succomb to root disease first.



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