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Author Topic: Chaloupkaea and Rosularia  (Read 3404 times)

Great Moravian

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Chaloupkaea and Rosularia
« on: March 09, 2016, 07:01:19 PM »
The genus Chaloupkaea is established here.
The image
presented by Mojmír Pavelka in his pages
probably shows the species described by me as Chaloupkaea
alias Rosularia bonorum-hominum.
My plants are more hairy and cauline leaves are red.
Image photographed in his garden provided by Mojmír Martan
Similar Chaloupkaea rechingeri alias Rosularia rechingeri has coniderably shorter calyces.
Real Chaloupkaea aizoon alias Rosularia aizoon is this species.
The images
show the species described by me as Sedum strobiliforme.
I described the taxon circulated as
Rosularia rechingeri Küpe Dag as Chaloupkaea
alias Rosularia pisidica.
Its origin is still unknown to me. I would greatly appreciate any relevant information.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2016, 08:03:50 AM by Great Moravian »
Josef N.
gardening in Brno, Czechoslovakia
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Great Moravian

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Re: Chaloupkaea and Rosularia
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2016, 10:05:33 AM »
Umbilicus haussknechtii Boiss. et Reut. in Fl. Orient. 2: 774. 1882
the basionym of
Rosularia haussknechtii (Boiss. & Reut.) A.Berger
was described as follows
19. U. Haussknechtii (Boiss. et Reut.) patule papilloso-hirtus,
caulibus brevibus in racemum brevem ovatum abeuntibus, foliis ro-
sularum lineari-spathulatis ciliatis, caulinis linearibus longissimis
crebris, pedicellis flore brevioribus, calycis patule hirsuti corolla plus
dimidio brevioris laciniis lineari-lanceolatis acutis, corollae hirsute
ochroleucae tubuloso-campanulatae ad quartam partem fěssae laciniis ovatis
acuminatis 
Hab. in fissuris rupium calcarearum regionis calidae ad Mar Jacob supra
Orfa Mesopotamiae (Haussk !). Fl. Mart.
Folia rosularum 8-9 lin. longa apice 2 lata, caulina pollicem et amplius
longa 1 Ľ lin. lata, caules 2-4-pollicares, flores 3-4 lineas longi. A binis
cedentibus foliis caulinis longissimis angustis, corollae lobis brevibus,
spreading papillose coarsely hairy
with short stems transient to short racemes,
with rosette leaves linear-spathulate ciliate,
with cauline leaves linear extremely long dense,
with short flower-stalks,
with linear-lanceolate acute lobes of spreading hirsute calyx more than
twice shorter than corolla,
with ovate acuminate lobes of hirsute ochroleucous tubulose-campanulate
corolla divided to a quarter.
Rosette leaves 8-9 lin. [= 16-18 mm] long, at the apex 2 lin. [= 4 mm]
broad, cauline leaves an inch or more long 1 Ľ lin. [= 2 1/2 mm] broad,
stems 2-4 in. long [= 5-10 cm], flowers 3-4 lin. [= 6-8 mm] long.
From both preceding distinct in extremely long narrow cauline leaves,
short corolla lobes etc.

Yellow flower-colour was observed by Haussknecht in situ.
original Haussknecht's scheda
In contrast, Chamberlain and Muirhead in Flora of Turkey wrote the following.
Flowers sessile, pink; calyx c. 4 mm; corolla 6-12 mm,
lobes 1-1 1/2 x as long as tube;

Their observation is based on a specimen in E
which in reality doesn't
represent Rosularia haussknechtii. I described it as Rosularia
I am curious when my clear arguments are accepted by botanists.
corolla lobesthree times shorter thanas long as or longer thancorolla tube
corollapale yellowpink
cauline leaves25 mm long, longer4-9 mm long, shorterthan rosette leaves
dry rosette leaves3 mm broad1-1.5 mm broad
habitat<900 m>1700 m
« Last Edit: March 15, 2016, 06:56:54 PM by Great Moravian »
Josef N.
gardening in Brno, Czechoslovakia
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Great Moravian

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Re: Chaloupkaea and Rosularia
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2016, 09:22:24 AM »
I add croppings from the images of Rosularia haussknechtii provided by herbarium W
and of Rosularia pseudohaussknechtii provided by herbarium E
for comparison.
Rosularia haussknechtii is not in cultivation.
In my opinion, such usage complies copyright regulations.
If not, remove the images.
The above links are sufficient.

The flowers are totally different.
522935-1 pseudohaussknechtii
Caudices are totally different too.
Perfect images of the specimens in herbarium G showing the short petal lobes
and relatively short sepals are not available to the public yet
and therefore I cannot use them for illustration.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2016, 11:19:17 AM by Great Moravian »
Josef N.
gardening in Brno, Czechoslovakia
Krieg, Handel und Piraterie, dreieinig sind sie, nicht zu trennen
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Great Moravian

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Re: Chaloupkaea and Rosularia
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2016, 11:42:03 AM »
Perhaps somebody has anything to say about rosularias, others
then the commonly grown Chaloupkaea chrysantha alias
Rosularia chrysantha, which is often incorrectly labelled as
Rosularia pallida, the latter being in fact a synonym of
a different species, namely Chaloupkaea aizoon alias
Rosularia aizoon. I would like to know which plants
are in cultivation.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2016, 11:46:42 AM by Great Moravian »
Josef N.
gardening in Brno, Czechoslovakia
Krieg, Handel und Piraterie, dreieinig sind sie, nicht zu trennen
War, business and piracy are triune, not to separate


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