General Subjects > Wisley Alpine Log – Feedback Forum
Wisley - March 2012
Tim Ingram:
A few pictures from Wisley on the day the local AGS Groups held their 'World of Alpines' day at the Hillside Events Centre. For more details of this see the AGS website discussion pages. South African plants (especially bulbs) are to the fore in the display greenhouse, and it is easy to see why! Lots of gardeners around (or garden visitors) and generally they can't take their eyes off these, even if tea and cake beckons!
Lachenalia aloides
Lachenalia 'Rupert'
Romulea sp.
Babiana vanzyliae
Delosperma sphalmanthoides
(edit by maggi to add photo names to text)
Maggi Young:
Babiana vanzyliae.... this from the Pacific Bulb Society....
"Babiana vanzijliae This species has often been spelled as Babiana vanzyliae, but it was originally spelled differently and the Babiana revision returns it to the previous spelling. "
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