Specific Families and Genera > Amaryllidaceae

Jacob's Lily ?

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I purchased a bulb last autumn with the name "Jacob's Lily" on the packet, no botanical name listed. It is now in flower, and I would like to know the proper name. It is similar to Amaryllis, deep red in colour. very pretty. Anyone know anything about it. Cannot find anything on Google.


Thomas Huber:
Hi Martin - is it Sprekelia formosissima ?

Mick McLoughlin:
There is a picture of the Spreklia here http://www.srgc.org.uk/smf/index.php?topic=474.msg12486#msg12486. If that is it.

Thats the kiddy !! Thank you very much, I can label it up properly now.


Lesley Cox:
Sprekelia formosissima has the "common" name of Jacobean lily. But why, for Heaven's sake?


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