Specific Families and Genera > Rhododendron and other Ericaceae

vireya rhododendron


 ??? Is there anyone that has any experiense of vireyas in northern climate, is it possible? Where can they be bought in europe? I live in Stockholm Sweden!

Martin Baxendale:
Glendoick Gardens sell a fairly wide range of species and hybrid Vireya rhododendrons. Most are tender and need glass protection in northern Europe, although they say that a few are hardier and able to take some frost, down to -12 or -15c (and marked as such in their list). Web-site: www.glendoick.com

Maggi Young:
Martin, you took the words right out of my mouth!
Yes, Benny, I would most certainly recommend Glendoick Gardens, they have a selection of vireyas I would love to grow! I would need to keep them under glass, perhaps with a little extra frost protection as well, here in Aberdeen , two miles form the cold north sea! I have no room, so I can only wish! If you have a conservatory or sun-room attached to your home many of them will grow there  very happily, i would think.

Paul T:
Oh No..... you're telling me there are Vireyas that don't mind frost?  I don't think I needed to know that!! ;D  I love the Vireyas and do have 2 barely holding on in a sheltered position outside in pots.  Maybe there is hope for them yet if I'm lucky.  I never realised that some of them could take cold as well.


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