Specific Families and Genera > Rhododendron and other Ericaceae
Hope this photo will be ok. It is one of my favourite - 'Chikor'
Paul T:
Nice plant! Lovely colour for a Rhodo. I grow a few here but am limited by space more than anything. I do have a couple of smaller varieties, plus a few other larger ones where I can fit them. I of course have Rhododendron 'Tyermanii' as it is a namesake, although I have never found out who that particular Tyerman was who named it. That and the silver hares-foot fern (Davallia tyermannii) are the only two Tyermans I can find. :D The R. tyermanii has large ruffled flowers, loosely clustered on the head. It also has the most wonderful bark that peals to expose soft, almost suede-like underneath. I grow it as much for the bark as the flowers. Aren't Rhododendrons great!! ;D
Thank you for your compliments on Rh. 'Chikor' I am impressed - a Rhododendron - any plant for that matter - carrying your name. (Even if it is not your own family!) And the description is such that I would like to receive seeds of it, if possible. I agree with you regarding all attributes of a plant. I have many rhodods which have not flowered but I enjoy the leaves, especially the annual growth. They are all different.
The subject plant was removed from a raised bed as it was getting too large. It seems to have settled down in its new location & is covered with buds for next Spring. I will give a bit of protection for its first winter; my garden is subject to cold, dry winds which can cause more damage than frost.
It won't be long now (I am always the optimist!)!
Rather than starting a new thread I thought I would just add to this one.
I saw this Rhodo at Holyrood Palace in Edinburgh this summer and was impressed with the new leaves. Would anyone know what type of Rhodo this is and how hardy it might be?
I'll try that again. Still does anyone know what type of Rhodo this is and how hardy it might be?
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