Bulbs > Galanthus

Galanthus January 2024

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Stefan B.:
Finally Galanthus plicatus 'Three Ships' bloomed for me too  :)
Since I've had it, every year it's been a little late, I don't know why it happens..

A Galanthus woronowii surprised me today, the others have not yet emerged from the ground.

Galanthus woronowii may flower earlier or later, depending on the origin. Fortunately, I received quite a few different ones from friends, like this tallish form from Piatigorsk, though I do not remember it to be one of the early clones in former years.

Stefan B.:
I plan to order GALANTHUS WORONOWII P I A T I G O R S K from a Latvian nursery. I want to compare it with mine that I have, how early will it bloom.

G.woronowii from Piatigorsk is interesting. I have G.lagodechianus from Piatigorsk (planted autumn 2022), so there must have been someone collecting snowdrops at that location at some point.

I have always admired 'Three Ships', but as it is so early it probably will not do well here. Though 'Mrs Macnamara' is also an early variety and it is a good doer also here. It may come up to the snow early but flowers well only after the snow is gone, in April. I have had it now for ten years and it is really frosthardy even when in flower, unlike some early elwesii-clones which I have had.

No snowdrops at sight here, and it looks like winter will be long and cold this year.

Stefan B.:
They bloom nicely! I expect them to be snowed in again tomorrow. Today it was +15 degrees Celsius and the next days the temperature will drop to -7 degrees, this weather will drive us crazy..

Galanthus plicatus 'Three Ships'

Early flowering G. elwesii from seed.


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