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"Erythroniums in Cultivation" an e-book by Ian Young
I would welcome a printed copy. To print off the electronic version, given the extortionate price of printer ink, would be expensive!
Ian Y:
The costs that I have heard for having it printed and bound are around £35 per copy less than it would cost if it had been published as a printed book.
Maggi Young:
Tens of thousands of people read the Bulb Log every week - free - now tens of thousands of people can have Ian's e-book - free. That works for me and sits rather well with the SRGC ethos of informing and sharing, I think!
I am thrilled with the e-book, but also would love to have a printed copy. My four year old granddaughters really enjoy sitting with me and reading plant books. They're able to tell me the names of many of my flowers when we're in the garden.
As I am also on the other side of the pond, please Jan Jeddeloh add me to the list for the printed version. :)
Matt T:
I think the e-book format is great. It is so easy of find what you're looking for by using a search function. No more leafing through pages for hours trying to find something you half remember. And so easy to magnify the page to get a closer look at the images. Whilst we all have the option to print a copy, and I dearly love my groaning shelves full of garden books, I'm just as happy to use this as an e-book to refer to on my laptop time and again. A gift to the gardening world, thanks Ian!
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