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"Erythroniums in Cultivation" an e-book by Ian Young
I would like to say thank you to Ian for making it possible for me to see the beauty of erythronium and learn about them!!
Beautiful informative pictures, great information and easy to understand!
I found the link in a German gardening forum and read the book in one go. Now I'm reading the logs (8 more years to enjoy ;))
My own erythroniums are very lonely single plants still - I'll have to work on that.
I have also started to collect vocabulary to improve my English ;D
Ian Y:
Thank you Helga for taking the time to write here and for joining the SRGC and the Forum.
It is very rewarding to learn that I am am able to share and spread my love of Erythroniums with others which was my intention in writing the book and making it freely available.
We all start from single plants and work from there.
Maggi Young:
As Erythronium season ramps up, and folks may be looking for something to occupy some "down-time" during the virus crisis, Ian Young's e-book - Erythroniums in Cultivation - in pdf form - 278 pages in full colour - is free to download via this link :
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