Cultivation > Composts
Trial of peat-free composts
--- Quote from: David Nicholson on August 05, 2020, 08:12:53 PM ---....... and is the bracken tick free?
--- End quote ---
David, ticks are not particularly associated with bracken - they can occur in all kinds of rural vegetation, including in peatlands.
I think using bracken for compost is a great idea - it helps utilise an otherwise more or less useless vegetation type, should reduce the useage of Asulox for bracken control, could reduce upland fire risk, could help protect rare butterflies which live in this kind of habitat, and could find a use for two waste products. Plus it avoids some of the quality issues raised by Graeme.
I really don't know if there is enough sheeps wool and bracken to replace peat, and maybe that's not the point. It could at least pick up some of the slack whilst reducing wastage, and that has to be a good thing.
I've not tried this compost sadly - the supplier is a long way away and there are no local stockists - but maybe will get around to placing an order sometime. If there are any other potential users in NW Wales that might be interested in splitting the carriage, please pm me.
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