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What's new at Wisley
Maggi Young:
Threats of a "land-grab" at Wisley for road changes - read more :
RHS - Royal Horticultural Society
We need your support! As you may have already seen in the press this morning, RHS Garden Wisley is under threat. Wisley could have more than 10,000 sq. metres of woodland grabbed and more than 500 trees destroyed, including one planted by The Queen to mark her Silver Jubilee, if one of Highways England’s plans is developed. Find out more at,
and please sign our petition to ensure these plans do not affect the future of our garden at
On the RHS page there is a video featuring Matthew Pottage, explaining the damage that could be done - trying a link here...
Maggi Young:
Update on the threatened Wisley "land grab" -
From The RHS.....
"What a great way to start December - we're delighted that Highways England have announced their preferred A3 plans will not impact @RHSWisley's 500 important trees!
A huge thank you for your immense support, inc. the 130,000+ people who signed our petition to save the Garden, and to Alan Titchmarsh who championed this cause!
Find out more at
Alan Titchmarsh who objected to the new road's damage to Wisley's trees
Wisley and tress
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