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Key vacancy in Wisley Alpine Team as Paul Cumbleton retires
Paul Cumbleton:
After 11 years as the Team Leader of the Alpine section at Wisley, I have decided to take early retirement and will be leaving the RHS at the end of September. The hunt is now on for my replacement! – so if you think you may be interested, you can find details of the job and how to apply Here
This page gives a general overview of the role of a Team Leader - be sure to download the job description (at the bottom of the page) to see the specific details of the vacancy in the Alpine section.
The emphasis for the Alpine section over the next few years will be on re-developing the planting of the Wisley Rock Garden. A plan is being developed which sees all the beds being re-planted to reflect various themes which can be used to inform and inspire visitors. This would be a great project for the right person to get involved with and lead the team that will be undertaking it.
Paul Cumbleton
Maggi Young:
Paul, firstly we wish you a long and very happy retirement - should we send notebooks to make all the lists of "things to do" if you need them! I bet there is a long list being made already!
I would urge anyone interested in applying for the vacancy to download all the necessary froms ( there are three) from the RHS link.
The Forum membership/readership is very broad so please give some thought to the people you may know who might be suitable for this post and pass along details of the post as widely as possible.
Paul Cumbleton:
I am sure you will all be interested to know that my successor, who will lead the Alpine Team at Wisley as from October 1st, is Cara Smith. Cara already works at Wisley in the Glass Team where she has been particularly responsible for the Arid Zone in the large Glasshouse. I hope you will all join me in congratulating her on her promotion and wishing her every success.
Thanks for the good wishes Maggi. My list of "things to do" is already long enough to keep me going for at least the next couple of years, so no notebooks just yet thanks!!
A happy retirement Paul.
Maybe Cara will be introducing novel ways of propagation
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