Specific Families and Genera > Meconopsis

Meconopsis cyclamenoides?


I've narrowed this one down to two possibilities. Either Mecocnopsis cyclamenoides, or Cyclamen meconopsifolia. Maybe should crosspost into Bulbs.

Not quite sure what / when / how to intervene here. I have a dreadful track record of losing Meconopsis seedlings when I'm pricking out, hence leaving it till it was a good size.

The Cyclamen is a LOLA, but probably just a nice hederifolium that I decided was worth its own pot.

Also, I've quite a few Meconopsis, but I never get self-sown plants. Probably.

Maggi Young:
Oops! bit of a problem you've got there!  I wouldn't try to separate them - they're clearly happy together -  I'd plant them out into the garden en masse and you'll likely get a fab double display for years.

Is LOLA not a Persian Cyclamen?
This one looks just like any other nice C.hederifolium and I would recommend follow  Maggi's advice. Sounds perfect.
Congratulation Meconopsis is down here seemingly very difficult.


--- Quote from: partisangardener on September 08, 2022, 06:14:55 PM ---Is LOLA not a Persian Cyclamen?

--- End quote ---

LOLA as in 'Lost Label' .. can happily rename it to 'Nola' .. 'No Label'. And yes, just another nice hederifolium.

Loath to try and separate them, but would be concerned that the meconopsis might swamp the cyclamen after a year or two. The cyclamen should have plenty of leaf well after the meconopsis has died back .. still .. hmm. Not sure.


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