Specific Families and Genera > Meconopsis

Meconopsis Group news

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Steve Garvie:
Unfortunately the site appears to have been trashed by "spam" adverts for various drugs.

Maggi Young:
Please get in touch with Ian Christie  to warn  them, Steve - they cannot have any  filters in place to prevent spammers gaining access.

Dear all we have fixed the Meconopsis Group Forum  so many thanks to Maggi and please remember  do look at the pages and post here as well very important that we can share information  cheers Ian the Christie kind

Maggi Young:
Meconopsis Group has  their AGM meeting in Edinburgh tomorrow - speaker is  Julia Corden - should be good!!

Meconopsis horridula subsp. drukyulensis from Bhutan

Maggi Young:
It's almost autumn meeting time  for the Meconopsis Group at the Botanics, Edinburgh. Talks include one on National Trust for Scotland garden at Branklyn a #Meconopsis @Plantheritage collection.
Rather a lot of SRGC  connection involved!

 All welcome.


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