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Author Topic: I search Dentaria glandulosa and Gagea (Liliaceae) !  (Read 933 times)


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I search Dentaria glandulosa and Gagea (Liliaceae) !
« on: September 12, 2012, 07:53:43 PM »
Hello everybody

I search seed of Dentaria glandulosa and Gagea  (Liliaceae) !

I've seen Dentaria glandulosa is a Roumanian species ..that's right ?

If people can exchange me some seed of Dentaria glandulosa send me a PM (Personnal message).

I want to know , what are the germinations conditions of this nice plants ... something special ?

For Gagea , i'v saw a species in Alps but i see that some species lived in Africa like Gagea mauritanica

So if you have an Alpine species of Gagea that's really cool !

I have a list of exchange on demand .

Thank's by advance.


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