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E-magazine feature on SRGC Website

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Maggi Young:
International Rock Gardener 169, download issue here:

February 2024
Virtual visits to differing locations in Kyrgyzstan are featured this month.
Nazgul Kenzhebaeva and Frazer Henderson have a particular interest in the
flora of the Tien Shan and take us on a trip to the Sary Chalek reserve, while
Frazer also writes about several areas in the country where he has botanised
as an enthusiastic amateur, particularly in search of tulips.

Tulipa heterophylla, photo by Frazer Henderson.

Maggi Young:
Virtual visits to widely differing locations in the world this month in IRG.
From the United States of America, Robert Barnard treats us to a visit to one of his favourite places in California while Frazer Henderson introduces us to the Isle of Eigg - a small Scottish island where few Scots have visited.

Click here to download and read free:

Cover image: A view of the Rocky Basin by Robert Barnard.

Maggi Young:
April IRG 171:  Featuring orchids of the “Low Countries”   by Gerrit Eijkelenboom and two plant portraits from Zdeněk Řeháček.

Cover photo: Liparis loeselii. By Gerrit Eijkelenboom.

Click here to download the issue - free- :

Maggi Young:
A reminder that the main page from which to access every issue of International Rock Gardener is now

From December 2023, the IRG is  no longer being posted on, instead all issues are available from this page on  -    Please update any "bookmarks" you may have.   Thank you! 

Maggi Young:
IRG 172 May 2024  - download via this link:

 A new crocus species growing wild in Kurdistan Province, Iran, is described and illustrated with photographs and distribution maps provided by Mahfouz Advay from Iran and Jānis Rukšāns, Dr. biol. h.c. from Latvia. As is stated in the article, “new discoveries continue to add to our knowledge of the crocus diversity.”
From the magazine of the Klub skalničkářů Praha, “Skalničky” there is  a plant portrait from  Zdeněk Řeháček in North-East Chechia.

Cover image: Crocus avromanicus by  Jānis Rukšāns


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