General Subjects > Plants Wanted Or For Exchange
Tropaeolum azureum
Searching the web for Tropaeolum azureum I found a link to your forum. Some years ago I saw a picture of this plant in a german garden magazine, I bought some seeds and tried to germinate them but without success. If there is someone in this forum growing T.a. I would very much apreciate his information.
I am growing Tropaeolum tricolor, which blooms now. I could exchange bulbs of this plant when dormant in summer for bulbs of Tropaeolum azureum.
looking forward for any help
Maggi Young:
Hello, Birgitte, welcome to the forum. We are growing this lovely Tropaeolum and sometimes have seed or bulbs available. It is in growth just now and so is not suitable for transporting! I will contact you off forum with details.
Hello Maggi,
thank you for answering my request. Is the germination fromm seed really that complicated and is there something special to be taken care of, like prechilling or soaking in lukewarm water? If I try again with seeds what treatment would you recommend? Do you think it is easier to grow the plant from corms? I'll contact you in july if I do not hear from you since then.
Greetings Brigitte
Hi Brigitte,
I have successfully germinated at least a few seeds of T azureum. I did use a protocol very much alike the one Diana Chapman describes in this post at the PBS mail-list
It is probably important to give the seeds a hot dry period before sowing them in autumn. I find these different needs of seeds for germination extremely interesting :D
Maggi Young:
Birgitte, try these links to see if you can find that information. You will see in one ofthe replies that a cold spell is suggested! You may have to experiment!
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