Cultivation > Cultivation Problems

Clematis from seed


I am growing 2 Clematis from seed; C. scottii and integrifolia. They are 2 and 3 years old in deep square 2-3 litre pots. Thought I might get an odd flower this year but no luck; maybe the tropical heat?? they are on the north side of the house. The scottii has now died back, whereas the integrifolia is still more or less in full leaf. Is this normal comparing these 2 Clematis for autumn. No frosts yet and mild all this week?

C. hirsutissima needed some 6 years to flower back when I had a garden, C. integrifolia (planted out year 2 and definitely not cuddled) needed five, so just remain patient. Heavy feeding in spring and early summer won't hurt.

I was gifted a young C.scottii and it took five more years to flower after being planted out.

Vinny 123:
I have grown integrifolia from seed and I am pretty sure that it flowered in 3 years.
I planted it in a herbaceous border where it scrambled about happily enough without making masses of growth. It is some years back and from memory it didn't persist for very long - 3 years max' in the border, as an educated guess.
I am also pretty certain that the flowers were scentless, contrary to received wisdom, but memory isn't infallible.

The seed would have come from one of the UK society seed distributions - SRGC, AGS, HPS.

I am no clematis expert to suggest that integrifolia likes "normal" growing conditions for Clematis in general, but they normally like cool, moist roots and their heads in the sun. (Yes, exceptions - armandii for instance, and montana will grow anywhere.)

I have  both Clematis hirsutissima  var. scottii both pink and blue.  I got the pink scottii as seed and it took 4 years to grow and flower from seed. The blue scottii plant  was bought from a  popular nursery in USA .The nursery is out of business now.The blue colour was very bright.I gave the seeds to gardening friend in Saskatoon and he got a flowering plant in 3 years.
When I got the pink scottii seeds I planted the seeds outside in fall and it germinated next spring. The friend who got the blue seeds from me planted them inside on the window sill  of his basement. Within 3 months he got it germinated and  that expedited the growth.Also he had better germination  (90%)than mine.


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