Specific Families and Genera > Rhododendron and other Ericaceae

Rhododendron pruning

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Maggi Young:
Success for regrowth after cuting back into old wood varies a lot for Rhodos - as Ashley says, it's best to test a part first, to see if there  is  a sign that dormant buds are willing to break into growth, before getting chop happy, especially on a precious plant.

They have flowered very sparsely since we moved here and were covered in sooty mould and as I said more scale insects than I have ever seen, so even if they do not reshoot they are no great loss. It does give me 4 sq metres more to plant up though.
Thanks for the help.

Diane Whitehead:
The most impressive regrowth I have seen -

A huge rhododendron growing close to a road was broken off by a truck. Only a piece of trunk remained.  It re-grew.


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