Specific Families and Genera > Ferns
More ferns
Véronique Macrelle:
Oh ! Pyrrosia lingua is very amazing; is it a xerophytic species?
his little neighbor is Anacampseros? it differs slightly from my Anacampseros papyracea which does not have this 'club' effect
Hi Veronique and Fermi,
many thanks for your friendly comments. In literature Pyrrosia lingua grows in China, Korea,Taiwan and Japan among
dryish rocks and on tree trunks. I cultivaßte my plant potted in a lean mixture plunged in the sand bed, runners start
to root in the sand.
The "Little Neighbour" is a piece of a bigger Helichrysum coralloides plant.
Véronique Macrelle:
there is a kind of convergence of form between Helichrysum coralloides (very beautiful and uncultivable for me, I imagine) and Ancamsperos papyracea .., but nothing to do with ferns!
your ferns are superb.
for Asplenium solopendrium, I am attached to the natural form with simple leaves.
however 'Furcata' looks bigger than the original hope, right? i like large ferns. I have a whole pot of 2 cm seedlings that are too stuck together, but I cannot transplant them without making them burst.
I would like to grow Coniogramma emeiensis one day, when I can find it at an affordable price. Does anyone here succeed in his cultivation?
Thank you Veronique, my A.s.'Furcatum' grows rather slow and measures now 15 cm.
The Scolopendriums appear at many places in our garden from spores with sometimes
interesting forms.
Maybe the Van Driel Nursery offers your Coniogramma. it is a pity, that he doesn't send
his plants by post.
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