Specific Families and Genera > Ferns

ID a fern please

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Véronique Macrelle:
there was 2 Prothallus in January 2017 in a seed pot and now this little fern has grown

can anyone identify it?

Too early to tell for sure but looks like cyrtomium sp.

Véronique Macrelle:
thank you, the genus is already good.
 it is hardy then ?
 a fern is long to grow from spore!

I think it is Cyrtomium also. This species often occurs as a 'weed' in sowings of spores. We have seen it growing in the wild in the south of England, but it would probably not take hard frost.

Véronique Macrelle:

where do the spores come from? potting soil that we buy?


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