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Professor Serge Aubert - passed away suddenly, 19th February 2015
Maggi Young:
It is my sad task to inform of the death of Serge Aubert, Professeur ŕ l’Université Joseph Fourier de Grenoble et Directeur du Jardin Botanique Alpin du Lautaret , Station alpine Joseh Fourier.
Prof. Aubert died suddenly on 19th February. He was only 48 years old.
We are grateful to botanist Rolland Douzet for this sad notification.
Serge was always most helpful and charming in any contact I had with him.
Many of you will have experienced talks presented by Serge and even more will have enjoyed the myriad of photos online of plants from the botanic garden and his world travels. ( )
He will be sorely missed.
Our sincere condolences have been sent to his wife, two children and his colleagues.
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