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A New Forum Donations System

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Maggi Young:
Hot on the heels of our good wishes to those  who supported the forum by their donations  in 2014, it is my pleasure to begin 2015 with thanks to the three "early birds" who have got the year off to such a fine start with their  kind donations in the first week of the year - what a super gang you are to make the change of the year so memorable!

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Thank you!

Maggi Young:
Scottish Rock Garden Club  is a Charity registered with Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR):  SCO 00942
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Maggi Young:
Four years on from the establishment of the Forum donations system it continues to be a useful source of income to help fund the cost of maintaining the forum and website online.

All those who  take the trouble to support the forum in this way, whether openly or anonymously are greatly appreciated  for their kindness and generosity.  The  resources provided on this website are many and various and it is  cheering to see how this is appreciated by members.

 Thank you all!

Maggi Young:
Another  year  is  flying  past  - and  it  is  my  delight to thank all the  wonderful people who have  made a  donation, whether through the  Forum's dedicated  system or  the  main Paypal donation route, towards the  costs  of  keeping the  Forum and Website  online.
Your generous support  is  greatly  appreciated and it  is  heartwarming  for those  of  us  who volunteer with the website to see the  kindness shown by  you all.  We  hope to be  able to continue  our  "work"  for you  in the  future!
 Thank you all!

Maggi Young:
Six months on from my  last  post, I am pleased  to be  able to send thanks  to all those people, whether full SRGC members or "just" ( I use  this  term VERY  loosely!) forum members who have  used  either  the  dedicated forum member's donation system, or the  general SRGC donation scheme ( both available  readily  via  this website) to make  their  financial contributions  to the  work of  the  Scottish Rock Garden Club.

Your  support  in every  possible  way is  very  much appreciated by the  Council of the  SRGC and it  is  moving  to see  how  many  are  prepared  to show  their  appreciation in  this  tangible fashion.
Your  notes  to the Web Team of your  gratitude to the  work of  the  SRGC  in spreading  information on the  plants to which we are  so enthusiastically drawn are  also gratefully  received.

 To you all, from wherever  you are  in the  world, thank you! 


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