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IRG January 2014

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Maggi Young:
 IRG Issue 49  January 2014 -  a single genus issue, from Wim  Boens on Eranthis - lots of more photos of  Eranthis and many compliments to Wim  here :   


--- Quote from: Maggi Young on January 30, 2014, 08:30:15 PM --- IRG Issue 49  January 2014 -  a single genus issue, from Wim  Boens on Eranthis - lots of more photos of  Eranthis and many compliments to Wim  here :   

--- End quote ---

Congratulations Wim !  A masterpiece .... !  8)

Wow, I am speechless!
And that does not happy often. I once got my jaw dislocated. It did not keep me quiet. This summer I totally lost my voice. It did not stop me from "talking".
But now, what to say? The January issue is absolutely stunning! I have many times thought that I will ask my library to make copies of all IRGs that has been published this far. They have a very nice full color printer. I think now it is really time to do it. First thing Monday morning, I promise. It will keep them busy for a while and also give them good statistics, that the villagers are in need of the library and the printer.
I am not very interested in Eranthis; I mostly see them as a weed. But who can resist them after this?
In Swedish they are called "winter eluder".
Thank you everybody who contributed to this issue!

Matt T:
A fascinating article on a group of plants I knew little about. Thanks to Wim and the IRG team. A lovely issue.

Another superb issue. Congratulations and thanks to Wim and the team.


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