General Subjects > Wisley Alpine Log – Feedback Forum
Off To A Flying Start!
Forumists may be interested to learn that the new Wisley Alpine Log received over 1000 hits during its first 24 hours on the SRGC site!
Well done to the Paul and his Wisley colleagues - many thanks for your efforts. This new feature is certain to become a hot favourite with the many thousands of SRGC site visitors!
Sandy Leven:
:P As well as showing us the old and new Alpine house we have been shown two Aptosimum sp. I have not heard of this genus but it is fascinating to speculate as to why the flowers are set round the bottom of the two species. The one on the 15th August site has a massive top growth. I wonder how tall it is and how big are the flowers. No matter how many things you have seen there is always something new to see. The first Aptosimum sp. looked like a blue narstursium on a pineapple and the other just wilder.
The Wisley blog has made me doubly insettled!! In a good way.
I have wanted to visit South Africa for a long time and these Aptosimum are just enticing.
The new Alpine house makes me want to replace my 25 year old one.
Keep flying and I will keep following
best wishes
Sandy 8)
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