Specific Families and Genera > Ferns

Asplenium scolopendrium: spore seedlings

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Amazing to watch growing ferns from spores

Véronique Macrelle:
you are more expert than me! it is successful ..
because I’m doing this for the first time.

now that i see prothalles and small leaves, i'm proud, but i didn't know if it would work ...

and transplanting, is there a method, a period?

put your leaves to dry for a few days in an envelope, you will see if spores still fall from it ... it must be like dust ...

I just wait till the little plants are big enough to handle (maybe 1 - 2cm tall?) then transplant them to small pots with ordinary multi-purpose compost. I keep them wet and shady - enclosed in a plastic bag for a while. Et voila!

i have no idea whether this is the best procedure, but it seems to work!

Carolyn, you are right. Only empty sporangia on A. trichomanes. But there were still a bit of spores left in the sporangia on A. rute-muraria  and A. scolopendrium. I wonder if they can be crossed if I mix the spores in one of the pots.


Interesting that you still found some spores - I wonder how long they remain viable? I have no idea of the answer to your query about crossing. We need a fern expert! Anyone?


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