Specific Families and Genera > Hepatica

Fertilizing Hepatica

(1/14) > >>

When I was looking for information about growing Hepatica from seed, I found a site that says you need to use two different fertilizer routines throughout the growing season to get them growing as fast as possible. What I'm wondering is what does 2000 fold mean? Does that mean diluted x2000?

I then went looking for fertilizer with those numbers, Question is does it have to be organic, or can it be chemicals? These are some that I found, and some I would have to use half-third strength?

i have not come across that dilution description before for liquid fertilizer use  but it probably means a 1 in 2000 dilution of a concentrated stock solution.
However this will give a very dilute concentration of NPK, 

So one Teaspoon of fertilizer, would be x 2000 Teaspoons of water, which is about 2.6 gallons

The organic is probably the best way to go.

FoxFarm $10
Ho Yoku $13

Seabird Guano $21
Seaweed Extract $20

I think that is correct, just a strange way of expressing dilution rate.

Forgot to add that the original document that you haver does not say anything about what fertilizer product to dilute, if this is the case then the final NPK values after dilution will vary with the concentrate NPK concentrations.


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