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Author Topic: Cassiope and Diplarche Seed?  (Read 986 times)


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Cassiope and Diplarche Seed?
« on: November 06, 2019, 03:52:29 PM »

I would love to grow more species in the Cassiope genus. I currently grow Cassiope tetragona, C. selaginoides, C. mertensiana, C. lycopodioides, C. redowskii, C. fastigiata and C. eriocoides. I would also like to find Diplarche multiflora.

If anyone knows were to find other species I would be much obliged. I would love to trade with someone. I keep a list of plants in my garden, though not entirely current on my website empetrum.com. If there is anything one wants in trade feel free to ask.




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