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'Alpine Lawns'


I am wondering if anyone can help. I am a RHS horticulture student and am doing a dissertation based on the book -  Alpine Lawns; with some account of the special use of carpeting and crevice plants by Anne Ashberry. Anne Ashberry describes them as a carpet of low-growing hardy plants, which hug the ground and spread freely. I have been trying to find an example in the UK without success and I have been told that it seems to be a dying practice. There are similarities with green roofs, thyme lawns and heather gardens, and not quite the same as an Alpine Meadow, where alpines are amid grasses. Does anyone know anything about them; where I might find one, and why is it a dying practice?
I'd be grateful for any information on this topic, thank you, Nicola

Lesley Cox:
The thyme lawn is probably the best-known example Nicola and perhaps they are just not fashionable nowadays. The crevice garden seems to be the current "in" thing. I can't help you with examples though I am planning one myself but the planning is sometimes months or even years ahead of the reality. :D

Thanks Lesley, do you think I should put my question on the Alpine Meadow thread, will more people see it?

Maggi Young:
Nicola, I will move this topic to the same area as the Alpine meadow thread.... we'll see if that helps!


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