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Dryad Nursery news 2024
Happy New Year to all our friends!
It looks like being an exceptionally early season so far with many snowdrops already in flower, and struggling through last year's debris in the borders because it's been too wet to get out and tidy up.
The hoop petticoat daffs are getting under way under cover as well, so it was possible to pick the pictured posy on Christmas Eve, all the blooms being of different cultivars.
As thoughts turn to the snowdrop season ahead, I thought it advisable to remind our customers that we no longer sell our snowdrops in growth in the spring, but only during the dormant season in our summer list.
I'm happy to say that last year, despite a terrible time with CITES certification, we were able to send a collection of almost all our snowdrop cultivars to our friends at Esker Farm Daffodils in Northern Ireland, who will be offering them from now on, and taking potted plants to shows over there. Watch their website https://www.eskerfarmdaffodils.com for news coming up!
Meanwhile I am impatiently watching buds on new and developing seedlings and will hopefully be sharing news on some new yellows later in the season.
I hope it is a great growing year for all of you!
I've spent the last week refurbishing my website, and I hope it is all working correctly now. I would appreciate it if you will let me know if you spot any howlers, or if pages or links are not working correctly. It should work on your devices too.
Hope you enjoy exploring it!
Maggi Young:
NEW on Anne's website is her range of greetings cards featuring her botanical watercolours - when she finds the time to do these I have no idea! Her schedule wears me out just thinking about it, but the Yorkshire perfectionist seems to manage a full 20 hour working day!
Her artwork is just lovely. .... take a look: https://www.dryad-home.co.uk/cards
Thank you, Maggi! I don't have time for painting now. I should retire. ;D ;D
I am very busily harvesting and counting bulbs ready to go in my summer list, which should be ready by early July. If you are on my email list, you will get a ‘heads-up’ alert a couple of days beforehand.
Meanwhile, I can let you know about our newly registered snowdrops and daffodils. These will only be available on ebay this year.
Starting with our new snowdrops!
I am very excited to present the first to be registered of our yellow inverse poculiforms (ipocs), after 16 years of targeted breeding work.
In Greek and Roman mythology, the multi-talented and beautiful Apollo represents the sun (along with many other things - from prophesy, archery and music to poetry and healing). One of the most important of the Greek gods, he is the son of Zeus and Leto, so it is satisfyingly fitting that this stunning snowdrop is bred from Dryad Leto as mother and Dryad Zeus as father.
These two parents were in turn deliberately bred as a route to yellow inverse poculiforms (ipocs), each having Wendy’s Gold as one of their parents, so both carrying the genes for yellow colouring into the second generation. It is so rewarding when a plan comes to fruition!
DRYAD APOLLO bears its flowers on strong upright stems about 12cm high, over plicate leaves which are short and spreading at flowering time, displaying the flowers beautifully. The flowers are almost perfectly conical, dangling neatly from a softly curved spathe. The short pedicel and cylindrical ovary share the same golden colour as the double mark on the outer segments, which consists of a large oval in the distal half, notched at the apex, and a softer shading just above the base. This double mark is repeated on the inner segments, but here the two parts are of equal strength and almost joined with just a paler band between them.
This dazzling snowdrop will be impossible to ignore in the garden, and promises to be the pride of any collection.
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