General Subjects > Flowers and Foliage Now
January in the northern hemisphere
Véronique Macrelle:
Arum creticum has never developed as well as it did this winter...
could it finally bloom? 3 or 4 years it's been there, but it doesn't bloom. Last year I put a bit of composted manure on it.
Véronique Macrelle:
lots of new growth on Arum maculatum ‘Bakovci’. it will look wonderful if the slugs don't eat it.
fed on manure compost last year too.
Véronique Macrelle:
a whiter-than-average Arum italicum.
Mariette: is this the one that comes from you?
in the 3 years it's been growing here, this is the first year it's been different from my local A. italicum.
Véronique Macrelle:
winter is a bit of a dull season for gardeners: it makes me want too many plants on the internet! (you can't order everything, there are limits!)
fortunately, my volunteer seedlings of Ficaria verna provide an interesting diversity of foliage to observe, even if I often take photos with my phone in the rain to look at the photos in my armchair afterwards!
some of the leaves are so black that they look bluish... and as they get older, a spotted form becomes pinker and pinker.
Véronoique, Arum creticum grows like mad in pots filled with compost from my own compost heap. Yet in my pots they never flowered, maybe because I didn´t know that the corms should be planted in a vertical position, according to Peter Boyce in The Genus Arum. When I planted some overflow that way in the garden, I enjoyed inflorescences quite regularly. Recently I planted a surplus potful next to Arum dioscoridis, wondering whether they may produce hybrids. I kept Arum creticum in pots at first, fearing a lack of hardiness, but the FCC form I sent You did perfectly well these last winters.
As the soil in my garden is very heavy and often wet, I never feed arums. Your A. maculatum ´Bakovci´ is sprouting very early! I grow this variety in several places in the garden, but it bulks best in a sheltered spot, where growth starts earlier than in the more open positions.
I do not remember which else arums I sent You, maybe Arum italicum ´White Winter´, of which I´ve got a lot?
Arum italicum and maculatum are growing since more than 30 years in my garden, and new hybrids are popping up every now and then.
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