Specific Families and Genera > Hepatica

Hepatica 2024

(1/24) > >>

Herman Mylemans:
Hepatica transsilvanica 'Blumenstadt Erfurt' is the first Hepatica that flowers in our garden.


Herman Mylemans:
Thank you Marc, it would be more beautiful if there was more sunshine, one flower suffers already from all the rain.

great to see your hepatica flowering. Hope spring will bring many more hepatica flowers from other gardeners too

Herman Mylemans:

--- Quote from: kris on January 16, 2024, 07:55:30 AM ---great to see your hepatica flowering. Hope spring will bring many more hepatica flowers from other gardeners too

--- End quote ---
Thank you Kris, but at the moment it is real winter here in Belgium. Everything is covered with snow!


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