Seedy Subjects! > Seed Exchange

Not Olsynium junceum (1577)

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I'm not sure what the seeds will grow into, but it looks like it might be a Sisyrinchium? If you donated or received these seeds please make a note of it not being Olsynium junceum, compare with the Holubec collection of the same species:

Véronique Macrelle:
I sowed Olsynium junceum seeds in June and it looks rather like the pot on the right: fine ‘hairs’ coming out of the ground, even though there are now 2 hairs per plant!


I have not seen Olsynium juncium seedlings recently enough to remember what they looked like.  I do know that the adult foliage is quite coarse.  It is possible [even likely] that juvenile  foliage exhibits considerable variation

The mystery not Olsynium junceum is flowering - and I'm lost as to what it might be... Any clues? I'll cross-post in plant identification.

Both 1577 and 1578 appear to be this misidentified species, both were listed under Olsynium, and both seem lovely, just not that.


This is Olsaynium Junceum:


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