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SRGC Stalwart, and popular nurseryman, Jim Sutherland passes away.
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Topic: SRGC Stalwart, and popular nurseryman, Jim Sutherland passes away. (Read 2150 times)
Maggi Young
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SRGC Stalwart, and popular nurseryman, Jim Sutherland passes away.
August 14, 2021, 06:27:50 PM »
On Wednesday 11th August 2021, a true stalwart of the Scottish Rock Garden Club, James (Jim) Panton Sutherland died suddenly but peacefully at home, Phopachy, Bunchrew by Inverness.
Jim was a loving husband to Agnes, herself now in poor health, a much loved father to Alasdair and the late Fiona, dear father in law to Sarah, and devoted papa to Sorcha, Neilleidh, Meig and Angus.
Jim was convenor of the Inverness SRGC group for many years, nay, decades, and he is regarded as a mentor by many in that area, including Sandy Leven, who joined the Club and the Inverness Group in 1969 and who has previously expressed that without meeting Jim and Agnes, his life would have been much emptier.
A former horticultural advisor for the College of Agriculture before founding Ardfearn Nursery at Bunchrew with son Alasdair in 1987, JIm had a passion for alpine and rock plants and his knowledge and enthusiasm spread wider than the local group. He encouraged the local group show, which latterly has been a full SRGC show, and one which has made a great addition to the SRGC Show circuit. With a life-long interest in plants ( and piping!) Jim travelled the world collecting seeds from his travels to China, Nepal, Chile, Siberia, Europe and New Zealand. His talks - whether on plants or plant photography - were always well-received.
The list of not only alpine plant lovers but also of many "great and good" names from the world of horticulture travelled to the beautiful nursery by the banks of the Beauly Firth to see Jim and learn!
Jim and Agnes were almost always in attendance with a sales display at SRGC shows - and others too, of course. A large and varied collection of plants, from the easy to the most challenging, would be assembled at each venue, and it was never long till the experienced growers and general public alike descended on the feast of plants before them. The advice and cheeky, friendly chat from Jim and Agnes made them very popular. Jim could be grumpy at times, but Agnes was always sweet and very kindly! In 2012 the pair attended their last Aberdeen SRGC Show and, as usual, sold busily all day and went home with very few leftover plants. From 2013 Alasdair and Sarah took over the show displays and have continued the great Ardfearn tradition of support for the SRGC.
It is a comfort indeed that Ardfearn Nursery will continue in good hands - but Jim will still be sorely missed and Phopachy will be the quieter without him.
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Jim on a mountain
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Jim and Agnes at their stall in Aberdeen 2011 - photo Maggi Young
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Jim and Alasdair Sutherland at home - photo by Alan Gardner, 2016
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Jim with Sandy Leven at the Highland (Inverness) SRGC Show 2017
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Agnes with Alasdair, at the Highland (Inverness) SRGC Show 2017 - photo Sandy Leven
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine
Maggi Young
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Posts: 44806
"There's often a clue"
Re: SRGC Stalwart, and popular nurseryman, Jim Sutherland passes away.
Reply #1 on:
August 24, 2021, 05:38:09 PM »
From Ardfearn Nursery:
Alasdair, Sarah and family would like to thank everyone for the cards, letters and support following the unexpected passing of our dear Jim. We've been overwhelmed with all the messages, memories and stories about our much loved husband, father, papa and plantsman from around the world.
All friends are warmly invited to Inverness Crematorium on Friday 27 Aug at 12midday to join us for Jim's funeral. The service will also be live-streamed for those unable to attend.
(NB: unfortunately, due to continued illness, our dear Agnes will not be able to join us on Friday.)
The nursery shall remain closed until Monday 30th August.
Many thanks again from all at Ardfearn ❤
The link for the live-stream will be available from WIlliam T Frasers' website, approx 10 mins before start of service.
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine
Maggi Young
Forum Dogsbody
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Posts: 44806
"There's often a clue"
SRGC Stalwart Agnes Sutherland passes away.
Reply #2 on:
March 25, 2022, 02:32:49 PM »
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The ever charming Agnes Sutherland, famous to so many alpine plant lovers as having the biggest smile has passed away, only a few months after her dear husband Jim, of Ardfearn Nursery.
Agnes , the kindest and most thoughtful of people, was beloved by a great many people and will be sorely missed. Our fond condolences to Alasdair, Sarah and all the Family.
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Agnes' funeral notice:
28.09.1931 - 12.03.2022
Peacefully in the loving care of Highview House Care Home, with her family present, Agnes Mary Sutherland née Stevenson, Phopachy, Bunchrew, aged 90 years. Retired English teacher, Millburn Academy. Most loving wife of the late Jim (Ardfearn Nursery), much loved mum of Alasdair and the late Fiona, dear mother-in-law of Sarah, devoted granny of Sorcha, Neillidh, Meig and Angus, dear sister of Janet and life-long friend of Essie. Funeral service on Monday 28th March at 12 noon in Inverness Crematorium. All friends respectfully invited. Family flowers only please. Donations in lieu are welcome at the service for Alzheimer Scotland.
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We will miss you, Agnes!
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine
Maggi Young
Forum Dogsbody
Global Moderator
Hero Member
Posts: 44806
"There's often a clue"
Re: SRGC Stalwart, and popular nurseryman, Jim Sutherland passes away.
Reply #3 on:
March 25, 2022, 02:54:16 PM »
Agnes at the nursery ....
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Agnes and Jim with a huge "vegetable sheep" in New Zealand....
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That Raoulia is almost bigger than the two of them!
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine
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SRGC Stalwart, and popular nurseryman, Jim Sutherland passes away.
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