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Author Topic: A legend lost to us- Henry Taylor  (Read 1499 times)

Maggi Young

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A legend lost to us- Henry Taylor
« on: April 08, 2021, 12:18:56 PM »

Yesterday the plantsman Henry Taylor passed away.
There can be few people in the world of  alpine  plants  who do not know the names  of  Henry and Margaret Taylor. This quiet married couple, from Invergowrie, by Dundee, are  rightly  famous for their plantsmanship in many  spheres, their abilities as travellers, plant  collectors, tour leaders, authors, speakers, exhibitors  and much more.  They introduced many plants to cultivation, notably many  Himalayan Androsaces, and raised numerous garden worthy hybrids. No-one who has ever attended one  of their talks could possible  forget the  level of knowledge  imparted  or the  couple’s infinite generosity in providing masses of  plants  for  gifts or  raffles at the events.

They shared their  knowledge and  skill in propagation very widely, and SRGC and AGS members  have  been among the  recipients   of that bounty.  Henry and Margaret were  equally  generous in sharing  information  around the  world to other  plant  lovers, for example  to help with trips to see  plants  in the  wild. Their help to Mat  Topsfield as  he  prepared  his ‘narcissus trip’ to Spain in the  footsteps  of  John Blanchard, comes to  mind and  I am aware  of  many  others  assisted  by the  Taylors.

Many  people  have  had the  pleasure  of  visiting the beautiful compact garden that  Henry and  Margaret  made – and  some  also had  the  pleasure  of  the kind hosts sharing wonderful meals with them.  Henry  was  a  vegetarian – but  dear  Margaret always  also catered  for the  meat  eaters  who visited – just  a  small example  of the  attention to detail that was  evident  in everything the  couple  did.
Their association with SRGC goes back a long, long way – it feels as if the  whole  alpine  world is  diminished  by the  death of  Henry.  It is hard to think of  Margaret without  Henry beside  her. This is a sad time  indeed.

We can only imagine the  degree of  loss to Margaret,  their  daughters and  wider  family. We can however state  our  sorrow  and  regret at Henry’s passing and express our  sincerest  condolences.
Henry’s funeral will be private  and  Margaret Taylor asks that she NOT be contacted, especially by phone, at this time.

Rest in peace, Henry.

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Margaret and Henry in 2010 - photo Ian Christie

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SRGC Discussion Weekend 2018   Margaret & Henry Taylor  received the AGS Ulster Group Quaich, a travelling award  which went to the best foliage plant - the  grey leaved  Senecio leucophyllus. photo by Stan da Prato

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The cover of the  Taylor's book for  AGS

Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine


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