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Russian gardens
Olga Bondareva:
This topic is for Lesley and all who are interested in Russian gardens. I’d like to introduce some. I couldn’t say they are typical Russian. But these gardens are the best I’ve seen here.
The first one is my friend Elena’s garden. It is in pine forest in 100 km from Moscow. Elena’s grandfather was the famous Russian phloxes selectionist. Therefore she maintains a large (about 70) phloxes collection. By the way Phlox paniculata is one of the favorite Russian plans. No doubt each garden has at list one phlox.
Elena likes shade plants. Last years she’s taken a great interest in alpines, saxifrages, gentians and daphnes.
Susan Band:
Looks a lovely garden, really well designed and planted with all the shade plants popular here. What kind of weather do you have? I doesn't look as if it get too hot and dry.
Luc Gilgemyn:
Beautiful shots Olga - gorgeous looking garden as well.
I hope to see more of these hidden little treasures
Olga Bondareva:
Susan, we have very different weather. Every year differs. Last winter was the coldest in history. Two months with temperature about -20 and -44 C in January! Gardeners was really shocked, many of them thought they will find cemetery instead of garden in spring. But gardens are still alive! All plants in my alpine garden were in flowers, ginkgo became 0.5 m taller, roses became more beautiful and magnolias bloomed! Apple and pear trees suffered for a little. I think we were saved by snow. It was about 0.4 m when the lowest temperature.
It was of course unusual winter. Usually it is not lower -30 (-5 on average) and a lot of snow. Sometimes winters are warm. Those are bad winters. :)
Summers are the same. No forecasts. Three months of reins or two months of drought are the extreme points but sometimes they happen.
Hot and dry, it is not about us. :) It is about regions to the south of Moscow.
Paul T:
You have the most beautiful pictures!! I just loved that snow covered one you posted in the other thread. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful garden!! Thanks for taking the time to post them.
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